Looking to Design and Build in a high fire zone?

Understanding Bushfire Attack Levels (BAL)

Bushfires are a common occurrence. A Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) indicates the level of risk a property faces from bushfires. If your property is in a bushfire-prone area, your new home must meet the bushfire construction standards outlined in AS 3959-2009.
Properties located in bushfire-prone regions must undergo a BAL assessment to determine the specific BAL Zone for the site. This assessment helps identify which construction Higher BAL ratings necessitate stricter building requirements. Constructing in high BAL zones can be complex and costly. We recommend obtaining a preliminary BAL rating assessment before purchasing land, potentially making the purchase conditional on a BAL rating.
Trent has experience building in high risk zones and has an understanding of the significant modifications required in materials, design, and house orientation.

Bal Builders South Coast | Southridge Projects

BAL (Bushfire attack level)

Collaborating with Southridge provides you with

Collaborating | Southridge Projects

If you interested in starting the process with a team of professionals? Reach out to us and we’ll explore how we can assist in designing and constructing your dream home extension!